The "Bro Code" - For when it comes to pursuing her

When women say chivalry is dead, what they mean is, men have become pussies or lack that gentleman appeal. From a guys perspective, it's because their brothers are not following the Gentleman's guide to the Bro-Code.

Gentlemen, before we continue to read from the Book of Bro, we need to define a few terms first.
Bro. This is a guy's guy-friend If he's on your phone contacts or Facebook Friends-List, this is your Bro.
GF. This is the Girlfriend of the Bro. Girlfriend is defined by any woman that he may or may not be in a full-blown relationship with.

The Asshole bylaw. If your Bro turns out to be an asshole or is an asshole to his GF, you can plead the Asshole Bylaw, in which case the Bro code does not apply. So rescuing her (the GF) from his punk-ass will be commended by the brotherhood and you will have their blessing.

The Bro-Code 

#1 Thou shalt not screw around with another Bro's GF.

#2 Thou shall not put yourself in a position where you have to explain why you and the GF are out shopping, watching movies, having a slumber party or involved with any other activity that may come across as suspicious. If it seems like it may be difficult to explain or come across as weird, well then, it probably is, so stop.

#3 If a Bro is in the Friendzone with a girl he likes, wing him for 128 days. If he's still there, you tried, he failed, she's open game.

#4 If you are the BFF of your Bro's GF, you are the citizen of Friendzonia. Population: You, not him. Back off a little, ease up on the slumber parties and let the Bro do his thing.

#5 If a Bro has trouble with his GF, you give your shoulder to your Bro to cry on, not her. She has her crew, you have yours.

#6 If a Bro breaks up with his GF that you also happen to like. It's common courtesy to ask him for his permission to pursue her, but only 48 hours after he has moved on. If it feels like a bad idea to ask him, well then, it probably is, so stay away from her.

#7 If a Bro is dumped by the GF, stay away from her, or ask your Bro for his opinion about you getting it on with her. Bad idea? Well, there you go.

#8 If a Bro has called "dibs" or shows explicit interest in a woman, back off and wing him. Let him do his thing, she will have friends, so relax. This does not apply if the Bro keeps this crush as a little secret. No! He needs balls, you got some, so game on!

#9 If you both interested in the mark at the same time, challenge it out in any way you want. May the best man win. Remember if he pulls it off with her, "she has friends brah!"

#10 If a Bro has winged you before no matter how good or shitty he was, pay it forward, do your best, or worst, whichever is more fun.

#11 If the Bro's GF flirts with you, it's your duty to refer to Rule #1. If her flirting is getting intense, it's your duty to tell the Bro even if it means losing the Bro. He must come to his senses.

#12 If  the Bro has a sister and you find her pretty damn f-i-n-e, you need permission from the Bro to date her. If you're fooling around with her, then don't get caught. 

Gentlemen, Godspeed and may the code be with you. And remember, the Asshole bylaws apply to you too.
Happy hunting!article end



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