"Fat Girl Angle Shots", why some women are setting themselves up for failure

If you've never heard of the term Fat Girl Angle Shots (or FGAS), well as best described by urbandictionary.com - “When a fat chick uses deceptive camera angles and lighting to hide the fact that she's a blimp, and make you think she's actually hot.”

Crude in its raw form, but it pretty much explains what we're looking at here; Thanks to magazines and media who provide 12 step guides to “lose weight through clever selfies", we now have women out there who's self-confidence is being sabotaged, so much so, that enough attention was drawn to warrant society to invent a word for it - FGAS.

What's more daunting, is seeing women who think they are giving themselves justice by attempting to justify their body size and having to live by a misconception that thin equals right. They are robbing themselves of happiness in life, love and in who they are.

If you're at the point where you're having to select certain pictures that will mask the fact that you are "overweight", already means you're admitting that you have a weight issue and think that you may not be appealing enough for dating sites.

Sure, you may have a few pounds extra which you are not happy with, or you may have a weight issue. But the only one who cares is you, and the only one drawing attention to it is...well? Take a guess!

From a male's perspective, it's daunting to wonder what it's like to live as a woman in a society that is dominated by perfect 10's. But in all fairness, It's not our fault, neither can we blame society as a whole, its only down to individual thinking.

To give an example, I was involved in a discussion with 5 male colleagues over the types of women and preferences we each had. Probably being superficial men who only discuss women all day long, we used images to draw conclusions over body, hair, looks etc...

An image of Elle MacPherson cropped up, and if anyone can remember, she is known as "The Body".

So it would make sense that all 5 men sitting around the table would agree that she is F-I-N-E, right?

Turns out... no.

Three of the guys disagreed that "The Body" wasn’t appealing enough to them, they’d prefer women with a few more curves, while the other two would prefer slim.

This is pretty much evidence that body weight and size ratios are purely down to an individual's subjective taste, preference and perception, right?

Yes, yes, spare the trolling that it was only 5 jerks sitting around a table at a restaurant, and this is by no means a consensus as to what society thinks. But unless you're trying to get a date with society as a collective thought, let's just stick to individual thinking here.

On an individual plane, who the fuck really cares what size you are? You will never have the perfect body that will appeal to everyone's taste.

If you are that unfortunate woman who feels this way, well luckily for you, you are faced with two choices:

Rebrand yourself

If you cannot, will not or just not bothered to reduce your volumetrics, you may want to try something different.

Ever heard of Rubenesque?

The number one rule of marketing: "When selling something, always target your audience". And you're probably fucking this up by posting those FGAS images. You are not marketing yourself to the right audience, your gorgeous thing, you!

That FGAS is getting the wrong attention and your profile is going-by completely unnoticed by the fella that wants "a little more body to hold onto". Quite frankly, he's swiping left because you're probably looking a little too thin for him! He wants a Rubenesque type of woman!

Sure, you may be deceptively appealing to guys whose personal tastes lean towards less than curvy, fair enough. The issue you face here is, when you do finally meet him, he may have a negative reaction when you turn up a little plus for wear.

Would he have a right to be disappointed?

Well, think about it, how would a woman feel about her date turning up 40 pounds more than his pics? And what if he has a belly that's been casting shadows on his twig and berries for the past 5 years - that was not in the pic gallery? Think she'll be pissed about it?

Here's a thought:

"If you turn up having deceived your Tinder date, the first conclusion most guys will draw from this is 'you're prone to dishonesty and deception', and this is a much bigger turnoff than a few extra pounds."

Let's face it, there's not much difference between an online product catalogue and an online dating app. We select what we see and what we like. Our reactions are very similar when we order something that ends up looking nothing like the pics. We get miffed!

Hit the gym

Oooh! This will trigger a lot of people.

Listen here, you!

It's not an acceptable anymore using the terms “I'm just big boned”, “I have a thyroid problem”, "it's genetic" or worse: "It's the inside that counts".

If you do not have a valid medical reason as to why your weight is at a point where you're not happy or confident with, well then... It's either down to having fast-chip-eating hands, trying to diagnose that thyroid problem with pie, or not kept active enough. Active enough, in the sense of burning off those extra calories.

Get to the gym if you're not happy, as opposed to sitting around wasting time discovering more and more reasons as to why you're packing it a little thick.


Could it be a psychological issue? Probably, but unless your therapist prescribes more fats, sugars and carbs into your diet, followed by more intensive couch-hang-time, then it's not going to fly either. Get burning!

Sure, you’re not going to shed those pounds within a week, but what's going to happen; your confidence will start to improve faster than you shedding that baby-fat. Knowing that you're empowering yourself and taking action to help yourself further is rewarding. It will start to show a change in how you act and interact with people. And they will always notice it. You will like it, you will crave it more than fondue, and it will motivate you more.

So get your beautiful-self into gear and decide what it is you want. Either way, kill the FGAS, it doesn't give anyone any justice.

To read more articles, visit taintedguava.com.


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