To shave or not to shave? That is the question
The jury still hangs if he or she should shave “down there” as a matter of opinion, health concerns and acceptance.
Are you shaving too much? Too little? Or sporting goodies that suit the leading role in a very 80's German Porn Feature, called Der Fluffie Fagina?
The pressure is on, but guess what? There is no need to be that concerned.
As it just so happens, it's purely down to tossing it between taste, science, hygiene and good old-fashioned muskiness.
After conducting intensive and awkward questioning of a number of female participants and online opinion polls, the feedback indicated that there is a fine line between the resembled look of being the “last balding turkey in the shop”, all the way to that "potential-choking-on-a-hairball" look.
So as we suspected from the opinions of reliable female sources, it turns out that there is an appreciation if there is some manscaping done on a regular basis.
The male point-of-view and opinion is slightly complicated on this topic. There are some men who prefer the au naturel look ensemble, complete with the musky or sea breeze fragrances (Yeah, I took it there), while others prefer the smooth, shaven, cleaner; “here is my labia” look.
Added to the twist of her labic state, is the fashion of her quim-quaff.
With a wide range of styles available, she is spoilt for choice, and it's pretty much down to what she feels comfortable with:
The Brazilian, The Landing Strip, The Big Bush, The Bermuda Triangle, The Bikini Trim, The V, The Top Knot, The Heart, The Chaplin, The Vajazzle, and lastly The Mohawk. In actual fact, there are about 22 fashion statements to choose from.
But those are just frontal aesthetics, think drapery here, which do not interfere with the actual goodies below. Yes, it turns out most men (I use the word "most" very strongly here) do not particularly pay much attention to the drapes, however, they are not too chuffed or willing to participate in the Amazonian pastime of "finding the pearl in the bearded oyster" game.
Oh, lest I forget... ever had that awkward moment of a random hair finding its way inside with an uncomfortable tug during S-E-X?
No? Well then, nevermind.
Yes, you have? Yeah, it's awkward huh?
So drapery is fine, access points should be kept clear at all times.
Now that's what I am talking about. Good old hygiene.
Since the dawn of time, we as human beings have evolved through the ages without beautifully scented soaps, lathers and creams. However, since we have become more accustomed to familiarising ourselves with good scents, our noses have become attuned to the aromas of a clean person.
Well, think about it, when last did you see Calvin Klein advertise “Pu-Tang, the delicate scent of aromatic wild mushrooms infused with notes of a sweaty plumbers-crack”?
Then there are bacteria! They thrive on genital nether regions, particularly from the heat, moisture, fluids, liquids, sweat, body fat, grime and crap we collect down there from bus, car, aeroplane, cinema, restaurant or office seats. Additional hair combined with the above-mentioned is just a breeding ground for trouble and requires more maintenance. And it's the same bacteria that end up producing those flavoursome aromas of a very bad stew.
Omitting the troubles of an excessive 'fro will make cleaning much easier and convenient.
What does the medical faculty say about clean shaven?
Genital warts and Molluscum Contagiosum (MC)
A medical study concluded that a bushy zone can reduce the risk of contracting genital warts, however, does not necessarily prevent it. What they failed to mention during the study, was that one is able to recognise the symptoms of having weird growths on your bitty-bits (or on your partner) if you are shaven. Warts are just warts and best you are able to keep an eye on the party down there, prior to having sex. Case closed
Skin irritations, pimples, ingrown hairs and cuts.
Hardly a medical alert on this. Use a clean trimming kit, a reputable beautician, wash up and use creams.
Nevertheless, keeping your scrumdillybits clean and tidy should not be optional.
Not only is this radical ideology of being hygienic a plus for your assets, but it can also give you confidence knowing that the odd smell in the room is coming from the bad bathroom plumbing – and not yours.
The idea of having someone else's microbes pouring their way onto our bodies or into our mouths puts the 5-second rule into a new perspective.
Here is an odd interesting fact...
So why are more men shaving below these days?
Have men advanced their thinking pattern to the extent of pondering about hygiene or presentation purposes?
Nope, not at all (well for some men), it's because they've realised a secret...
Shaving the lower portion of their penis extends their cockadoodledoo in size.
Yes, it's true!
Aesthetically, having it shaved from the bottom girth area, gives an impression that his member is bigger than what it really is. It yields him an extra hard-earned inch!
Don't believe this? Well, ask your fella to not shave down there for a few weeks.
Still not sure if you should shave or not? Well, you could do something radical and just ask your partner what they would prefer - you know, communication?
As for your own preferences, take a quick gander on Ron Jeremy or Christy Canyon in their younger days, to help you make up your mind... both renowned for being the hairiest in the porn business.
But what is it that makes the difference in taste vary?
Nothing really. If it's just down to preference according to your partner's likes and dislikes.
However, if it's down to "social acceptance" or "social pressures", shaven and well groomed is probably the better option. Particularly when it's your first encounter with this person. To keep yourself on the safe side, it is a better option to trim and cut the roses.
Rather be remembered as having a clean cut little soldier or for having that pristine poonie, than being remembered as "the date I nearly choked on".
Happy pruning!
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